Aug 30Liked by David Katznelson

The whole Jack Dupree catalog is essential. Thank you for this piece!

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Hell yeah. I do have my favorites. Blues from the Gutter...#1. The Woman Blues....#2. ...featuring Mickey Baker...#3. Joe Davis Sessions....#4. I could go on. What are yours?

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Aug 30Liked by David Katznelson

Def Blues from the Gutter. That cadence is unstoppable. I got at least 10 of 'em...gonna listen to him all day thanks to this. In '91, he played the Beale St. Music Fest blues tent to about 40 folks. At the end of his set, he wouldn't stop playing. Finally, a big roadie came and physically pulled him (all 140 pounds or so) off the piano while his fingers were still grabbing the keys. He was laughing his big smile...at least that's what I remember. Chris Robinson & another of the Black Crowes, who were headlining the fest that year, were standing in the front row paying homage. I was lucky to get to see the Champ fight one of his last battles! Then he played B.B. King's 3 weeks later. What a treat.

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that is incredible. what an incredible story.


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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

Reminded me of the photos I took of Alex Chilton’s cds at his home in New Orleans, which I sent to you via text. Please feel free to share them.

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Holy Modal's Indian War Whoop, omg!

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