Nov 30, 2023Liked by David Katznelson

Though I object STRONGLY to the parenthetical phrase included in the first paragraph of this post, overall, it's yet another excellent one, David. (Hehe!) There are a few others, I suppose, but now that McCarthy's dead, among the living only Knausgaard really captures me book after book, page after page. Bored and bogus'd by virtually all contemporary novels I read (particularly American ones), I generally stick to the classics ("The Eternal Husband" by Dostoevsky is what I'm currently on) and I love this from Lynch's interview: "When I teach creative writing, I remind students that a shelf of classics is a source of energy and great works raise your consciousness and remind you what the standard is." The rock I live under is so comfortable that I've only encountered Lynch since the Booker Prize was awarded him. "Prose mastery...","There's not an ordinary sentence in the book." That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! He goes into the queue! (All this said, I've read Nick Cave's two novels twice each. Both superb!)

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by David Katznelson

I was a student of James Melville Cox at dartmouth in the ‘80s. he had a great riff that he used once per quarter every year for many years I’m sure I’ve seen it in print Something like “people ask me if Moby Dick is about sex: it’s a sperm whale, his name is dick… and I am Cox. Ha ha hee hee. Ha ha.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by David Katznelson

…. But his delivery was like foghorn Leghorn mixed with Dr. Gene Scott on crack, or after a deep suck from one of the many Vermont Maples on his estate…HAW HAW HYEE HYEE HAW HAW.

thank you…tis the season

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